#200 - An explosive celebration!

To celebrate the 200th issue of Cut/daily please enjoy this vital piece of post-production knowledge:

You can license original footage from Bad Boys II and The Matrix Reloaded on Getty Images.

That and a ton of other fun stuff that Sony Pictures Entertainment and Warner Bros Studios have put up there.

The up-shot of which is that I spent way too much time browsing through lots of car chases, explosions, cutaways and all of the random stuff that happens between 'Roll Camera' and 'Cut' to make this fun little video.

And, that this issue of Cut/daily has a Michael Bay theme...

H/T to Patrick Willems for the original Getty find.

I used the track Massive Explosion by Custom Melody in my celebratory edit, just one of a bazillion quality tracks on Artlist.io, Cut/daily's sponsor this month. Get 14 months of all you can eat music for the price of 12 with this special link.