#240 - Do You Want to Edit a Feature Film?

Most editors I know want to edit a feature film.
Of those who have that desire, only a fraction actually will.
To even get access to a feature length project you need to have both the right previous experience and the robust industry connections to even stand a chance.
But, if you want to, you can change all of that today.
Film Editing Pro's latest endeavour gives you the chance to edit a feature film, and be supported by their professional grade training, along the way.
The Art of Drama Editing gives you access to the complete dailies of an indie feature film; that's over 30 hours/1110+ shots of 1080p dailies filmed on ARRI Alexa's, to craft into a compelling narrative.
Other than Inside The Edit, probably the best documentary editing course available today, The Art of Drama Editing is one of the only places I know of where you can learn to edit an entire feature film from a complete set of dailies.
So should you seize this opportunity and is it worth the time and money?
That's what we're going to look at in this issue of Cut/daily because I can't think of many editors to whom this isn't a tempting proposition?
I've always wanted to know, do I really have what it takes to edit a feature?