#241 - Retime Dialogue to Match a Different Take

How would you solve this problem?
You have a good take visually, but the audio is bad.
You have a second take with good audio, but it doesn't match the timing of the first take.
How do you combine the two to create a seamless 'perfect' take?
That's what we're going to look at in today's issue of Cut/daily thanks to an extract from LowePost's Advanced training for the Fairlight page in DaVinci Resolve.
Thanks to the Cut/daily Reader's survey (still open by the way...) I know that y'all want more tips, tricks and techniques for delivering better audio.
Well, this one is a doozy.
Also, if you missed #223 - Sound Tips from a Supervising Sound Editor, go back and read that and be sure to rummage in the Take This Further section too.