3 min read

#300 - The Past, Present and Future of Cut/daily

Thank you for following your curiosity and opening this issue of Cut/daily - whether it's your 1st or your 300th, I'm so glad you're here.

When I started Cut/daily I had no idea I'd still be writing it 300 issues later, which is part of the challenge and the opportunity!

Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions, shared encouraging words and supported this endeavour along the way, especially all those Monthly members with 100% open rates! (Kudos.)


For several reasons, Cut/daily will be pivoting to a single free weekly issue for the foreseeable future, and I'll be experimenting with exactly what that looks like, as we go.

Thank you again to everyone who has supported Cut/daily with your Monthly Membership, I really appreciated seeing each and every one of you sign up!

The Future of Cut/daily

If you're a free weekly member nothing's really changing. You'll still get this regular dose of Cut/daily in your inbox, delivering a little jolt of Post-Production insight.

My hope is, at some point in the future, Cut/daily will return to its usual daily schedule, but until then, I'm excited about how the future of Cut/daily will continue to evolve.

One-Time Upgrade Offer

If you're an existing Monthly member, you don't need to do anything - your subscription has automatically been paused.

You'll continue to have access to all 300 issues of Cut/daily to peruse at your leisure in the Archive, including all of the previous instalments of the Cut/daily Meets... interview series.

If you're a free Weekly member and you'd like to enjoy that same level of access to all 300 previous issues - now you can!

I've added the option to upgrade your account with a one-time payment of $49, which will give you instant access to every Cut/daily issue in the archive.

Login to upgrade your account...

Due to the quirks of how Ghost (the platform I'm running Cut/daily on) works, it only allows for recurring subscriptions, so it says it's $49/year but I will ensure it is a one-off payment!

If you have any questions, just hit reply and let me know.

The rest of this post is waiting for you when you subscribe for free, plus you'll get a free issue of Cut/daily in your inbox every Friday!