4 min read

#313 - The Pre-multiplied Edition

When you're doing it 90% right, 10% wrong.

It just doesn't look right... there's something weird going on here.

How do we fix it?


In the past few months I've consulted on two different jobs where weird visual issues crept into final motion graphics elements that proved tricky to eradicate.

We tried a bunch of the usual things, but nothing seemed to solve it.

In this issue of Cut/daily I wanted to share the eventual solutions and a great resource for troubleshooting these kinds of 'dropping the baton' scenarios, where the hand off when exchanging files between applications doesn't quite go according to plan.

In my case, both problems were created by incorrectly configured alpha channels adding unpleasant visual errors to the final renders.

Once we fixed these, everything worked perfectly.

I'll explain how in just a sec.

Find Other Solutions in the Archive...

If you're new to Cut/daily then you would do well to browse through the complete archive of every single previous issue here, quite a few of which are included in the free membership.

Quick Aside - Two New Resources for Getting Work

This Guy Edits is offering a free, 90 minute online course called Film Industry Secrets, live on September 17th at 9.30am PST. Aimed at anyone who wants to learn some new tactics for breaking into, or moving up within, the film industry.

  • The No.1 thing that gets you hired
  • How to edit creatively
  • How to kick start your career with zero contacts

Seats are free but they are limited so you need to register to attend here. Sven told me that 400 of the 500 seats are already gone!

Having reviewed The Go-To Editor course, one of it's best selling points are the business tips and tricks shared within, so this free session will be well worth your time!

Incidentally, the first 11 minutes of this video are an interview with 3 of Sven's previous Go-To Editor course students who won the chance to cut their first feature film together. I've previously interviewed these chaps myself here.

Film Editing Pro - Jobs Board

Film Editing Pro, who make some of the best in-depth editor training courses around on topics like editing trailers, cutting action sequences or even editing your first feature film, are expanding their offering with a jobs board for alumni.

Currently these jobs are mainly at respected trailer houses like Budda Jones, Trailer Park and Aspect and generally require having taken the in-depth trailer editing course, or at least having some demonstrable experience of the trailer world.

More locations and more jobs are coming, as FEP are leveraging their personal connections to offer these opportunities which they suggest are 'relocation worthy' for anyone looking to break into the business...

I hope these two resources help you find your own way in.

The rest of this post is waiting for you when you subscribe for free, plus you'll get a free issue of Cut/daily in your inbox every Friday!