#105 - Meet other Professional Editors at EditFest Global this weekend!
Whatever you're supposed to be doing this weekend, you might want to cancel it.
EditFest Global is on like Donkey Kong this weekend and you don't want to miss it.
Where else can you be in a room with some of the industry's best and brightest, and meet up and coming editors in person? (Well, virtually this year, but still in real-time and wherever you live in the world, you can be there!)
I've been fortunate enough to attend several EditFest London events and it was a hugely impactful and enjoyable time - don't miss this opportunity!
In short:
- THIS WEEKEND - Saturday August 28th and Sunday 29th 2021.
- Price: $69 = 25% off EditFest Global 2-day ticket price PLUS annual membership to EditFest Global website with:
- Full access to videos/content
- Quarterly Cinema Editor Magazine Print Subscription
- Regular email updates & screening invitations from American Cinema Editors
- EditFest Global 2-day ticket at full price = $40. Save 10% with this link.
- Main Panels include:
- Editing for Musicals
- A Conversation with Tom Cross, ACE
- From Assistant to Editor: Mentoring the Next Generation
- International Partner Program Launch