4 min read

#195 - How to Finance a Creative Career

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When it comes to financing yourself through a creative career there are various stages you need to make it through, from getting started to making transitions to increasing your annual salary, but at every stage the more money you have the more time you buy, have the longer you can stay in the game.

In this issue of Cut/daily I wanted to share three practical tips and inspiring stories on cutting your own path through the industry, and how managing your money successfully can really help you along the way.

Thanks to the internet and generous souls who are willing to share their best advice, there are lots of good people to learn from, who found their way through the industry before us.

There is no one path, so try not to compare your progress to anyone else's!

One of the early insights from the Cut/daily reader survey is how many freelancers there are in our community. I hope today's issue will help you grow in your career, but please take the survey so I can learn to serve you all even better!

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