#249 - Time(line) with Editor Dylan Tichenor, ACE

Want to spend 13 and half minutes looking over Marvel's Eternals co-editor Dylan Tichenor's shoulder?
For context, Dylan has been twice nominated for an Oscar and also edited Magnolia, The Royal Tenenbaums, There Will Be Blood, The Town and Zero Dark Thirty, to name just five memory-searing movies.

In this issue of Cut/daily we'll take a look at a 'timeline tour' that Dylan gave of his Eternals Avid Media Composer Timeline, from the rough cut to delivering the DCP and what every editor can learn along the way.
Marvel Movie Code Names
One of the tidbits that Dylan shares, is that Marvel movie production codenames are often references to Seinfeld moments or episodes. Eternals codename was Sack Lunch, a fake movie that Elaine would rather see than The English Patient.