#283 - Why does it look wrong?

Ah that old chestnut.
You're happily grading away in your NLE of choice and then you export your final file, open it up on your desktop to check your work and BAM!
It looks different.
You tried it in a few different applications, upload it and try it in a few different browsers and it looks different in some of them and not others.
What's going on?
Hello, Colour Management my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again.
K, I hate Premiere Pro. Someone pls help.
— Brandon Canning (@CanningBrandon) May 4, 2022
Why do my exports (bottom) look different (less contrast/saturation) from my timeline (top)?
Colouring with Lumetri and FilmConvert. Tried exporting w/ Premiere and Media Encoder. Same result. pic.twitter.com/Cb6mNGvfQC
This tweet is an excellent (and all too common) example of the problem.
And this issue of Cut/daily is the solution.